¡Hola! 20 Common Spanish Words Used in English You Need to Know

As the second most spoken language in the world, Spanish has left a significant impact on English, with many commonly used words originating from Spanish. Whether you’re planning to travel to a Spanish-speaking country or just want to improve your vocabulary, here are 20 common Spanish words that you might not realize you already know:

  1. Fiesta – party or celebration
  2. Adios – goodbye
  3. Amigo – friend
  4. Bonanza – an unexpected gain or success
  5. Casa – house or home
  6. Patio – an outdoor area used for dining or recreation
  7. Fandango – a lively Spanish dance
  8. Guerrilla – a member of an irregular armed force that fights against a regular army
  9. Junta – a group of people who rule a country after taking power by force
  10. Macho – having qualities traditionally associated with men, such as strength and aggressiveness
  11. Matador – a bullfighter who kills the bull in a bullfight
  12. Mosquito – a small, biting insect
  13. Pueblo – a town or village in Spanish-speaking countries
  14. Siesta – a nap or rest taken after lunch, especially in hot countries
  15. Sombrero – a Mexican hat with a wide brim
  16. Taco – a Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla filled with various ingredients
  17. Tequila – a Mexican alcoholic drink made from the agave plant
  18. Tornado – a violent windstorm that forms a rotating column of air
  19. Vanilla – a flavoring extract derived from the seed pods of certain orchids
  20. Vigilante – a person who takes the law into their own hands and enforces it without legal authority

Whether you’re planning to attend a fiesta, wear a sombrero, or sip some tequila, these commonly used Spanish words in English will come in handy. By learning these words, you’ll not only improve your vocabulary, but also gain a deeper appreciation for the rich and diverse history of the Spanish language.

Maybe one day you will need to say:
“At the fiesta, my amigo and I danced the fandango in our sombreros and enjoyed tacos and tequila while discussing the unexpected bonanza that came from our guerrilla marketing campaign.”

¡Hasta luego!

Stay Sneezy!

Major Jaybird





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